Here in the Midwest where slushy ice and a fair amount of blowing and drifting snow can occur, you may want to consider snow tires. Today’s new cars oftentimes are equipped with performance tires and don’t come snow tires nor all-season tires. Even all-season tire are exactly what the name implies, that the tire is constructed for a wide variety of driving conditions.

Snow tires are constructed with softer rubber compounds and have special trend designs for greater traction in icy and snowy conditions. These tire surfaces are made to channel and push water and snow out of the way, to give you a better grip on the road and ability to safely stop. Some lines of snow tires have “siping”, which are thin horizontal slits across the tire surface for further improved traction.

Tire inflation is also a critical component. A slightly less inflation means more tire surface and contact to the road. Over inflation lessens the contact surface. But don’t go to any any extreme. It’s best to stay within the auto manufactures’ recommended pressure’s for the best traction in winter weather conditions.